Enhance hair growth and improve your overall health at the same time
Hair is a sign of our vibrant health, and the lack of it causes a lot of stress, detracting from how we feel inside. At Chara Health, we utilize technologies to enhance hair growth and improve your overall health at the same time. We are a longevity clinic, but we want people live long lives with beauty and youthfulness. We bring in regenerative medicine and energy therapy to achieve such results, and enjoy our patients looking and feeling their best.
Hair thinning and hair loss can be demoralizing for many men and women, and can be a result of many factors, either systemic or local. At Chara Health, we are equipped to address many of these factors, and help you regain fuller and healthier hair. We utilize stem cell therapy, peptides, exosomes, laser treatment, and other health optimization modalities such as hormone replacement to optimize the health of your hair follicles and stimulate hair regrowth.