
What We do

Chara Health provides cutting-edge medical treatments for people who suffer from chronic/degenerative conditions, as well as healthy individuals to help extend their health-span and lifespan.

Chara Heath offers comprehensive and innovative treatments, including stem cell therapy, ketamine therapy, hormone replacement, ozone therapy, NAD and other vitamin infusions.

Phone: (818) 356-8232
Email: Info@chara-health.com

Meet Our Team

Joy Kong, MD

Joy Kong, M.D. is a UCLA-trained, triple board-certified physician (American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology, American Board of Addiction Medicine, American Board of AntiAging & Regenerative Medicine)

Courtney Gillenwater, MD

Dr. Courtney Gillenwater is a U.S. Navy veteran, an international humanitarian, a Representative of U.S. Goodwill, and a pediatrician. She has extensive volunteering experience as a physician M.D. in disaster areas and post-conflict zones.

Michael Jamshidi, ND

Dr Michael Jamshidi, or “Dr Mike,” obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Physiology and Neurobiology from the University of Maryland, and Doctorate degree in Naturopathic Medicine from Sonoran University in Tempe, AZ.